
Thank you for joining us on our journey, our adventure together...

Back to Basics Christian Living is a platform that helps Christians get back to the foundational understanding of their faith. It starts with knowing what God's Word teaches us about Himself and His son Jesus Christ. Everything else stems from this understanding, and it is crucial to keep this in mind as we navigate our daily lives as Christians.

One of the ways to stay up to date with Back to Basics Christian Living is to subscribe to their platform. In doing so, you get access to a variety of benefits, including being the first to know about added content, receiving personalized emails, and finding out about things to look out for in the future.

Subscribing also gives you access to behind-the-scenes content, such as future funding plans, travel plans, and social media interactions. Additionally, be the first to review podcasts, YouTube videos, and newsletters.

At the heart of Back to Basics Christian Living is the desire to help Christians have fellowship and a relationship with our Heavenly Father. By subscribing to their platform, you can stay connected and be a part of a community that shares this desire.

So, if you're looking to get back to the basics of your faith and stay up to date with the latest developments in Back to Basics Christian Living, subscribing is the way to go and join the community.

God Bless - Dave & Elaine